President               L. Goldman

Vice President      J. Yarber

Secretary               S. Brutkiewitz

Treasurer              C. Hamilton

2025 Officers

The 500 Earth Sciences Club is dedicated to the education of its members in the earth sciences of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology. Our members meet once each month for a program and discussion in these topics and related subjects such as Lapidary, Archeology, and Micromounting.
Our members are diverse in age, interests and educational backgrounds but come together for a common goal of fellowship and instruction to promote the study of the earth and its inhabitants.
The 500 Earth Sciences Club is a not-for-profit club and hosts an annual gem, mineral and fossil show the weekend after Labor Day each year as a way to collect funds for scholarships and other beneficial awards to local universities and museums and youth organizations studying the earth sciences.
We invite guests to join us at our meetings to learn what we are about and how they can become involved in promoting their own and the club’s interests in these topics.
​Membership fees are $25.00 family or $20.00 single.  500 Earth Sciences Club is affiliated with the Midwest Federation of Mineralogical and Geological Societies and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.