Photo above:  Example of the elegant sea lily crinoid, Elegantocrinus hemisphaericus, MIssissippian Formation, Montgomery County, Indiana.  (Photo by K. Armstrong)

Indiana Outreach
500 Earth Sciences engages in educational outreach related to geology of Indiana. Club members set-up displays of Indiana fossils and minerals and discuss features.  

2024 Outreach Projects

January - Family Night, Noble Crossing Elementary

February - Geofest 2024, Indiana State Museum

June 15 - Limestone Fest, Indiana University
November - Center Grove Elementary​

2023 Outreach Projects
February - Geofest 2023, Indiana State Museum

June - Limestone Fest, Indiana University

November - Center Grove Elementary

In addition to educational outreach, the Club strives to protect our environment in Indiana. Club members collect refuse (litter/trash) at geological important sites.